

Thursday, September 29, 2011

America today, the fault of the Constitution/Declaration of Independence

    "...The Christian governments of the Middle Ages...all had working systems of checks and balances which preserved the freedoms of the people and prevented concentrations of power. In the United States, the systems worked well   until the 20th century. Then it began to break down...
     Why did this theoretically excellent system break down? The Constitution itself had one serious flaw. Madison...stated that sovereignty should rest in the people...Thomas Jefferson had made the same point in the Declaration of Independence "Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed." This idea...was hostile to previous political theory. Since...the Dark Ages, men had regarded sovereignty as coming from God. If power were not exercised in harmony with God's laws, it was not legitimate, no mater how many people consented to it. But God is not mentioned in the Constitution. By placing sovereignty in the people, rather than in God and Divine law, the framers of the Constitution left the door open for any evil, so long as it was justified by majority rule. In Christian societies, the Church was the ultimate check on any would-be tyrant. But this check did not exist in the United State..." ~Anne W. Carroll
Interesting, no? By this, I, personally, gather that it is the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that has gotten us into the mess we are in today. Think about it. We were given freedom to do whatever we want, not what we know is right through God. If our country had been founded upon what God taught us what was right, instead of what we think to be right, I believe that there would be a lot less crime. Not just crime to the government, but crime to the soul.
Crimes to the government are easy to define: murder, embezzlement, drug dealing, kidnapping. There are fine lines as to what is right and what is wrong. But you see, the government just says 'don't do it, it's bad' (in more words, but you get the picture). That is just another person telling us what to do. It's the equivalent of a sibling telling you to do something. Some people do not believe they have the authority. Now, most of us have enough common sense to know the it's an evil act to go kill someone. But, look at the ignorance around you, millions of defenseless people are ruthlessly murdered every single day. And these aren't even considered murder. Think of abortion.
The line defining crimes against the soul are far less defined and spoken of. The government does not tell us to go to church on Sundays. It does not tell us to follow the 10 Commandments. It does not tell (Catholics) us to go to confession. The government does not find those things important to do! The United States government was founded by the people, with the people, for the people. Nothing to do with God.
Did you know, that God is referenced two times (correct me is I am wrong!) in the Declaration of Independence? And only in one of those references is he called 'God'. These two references are 1: ...separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of..." and 2: "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights...". 
What does this tell us? The Declaration of Independence made us free from England. The Constitution might as well have made us free from God. God is nowhere in the Constitution,  and He was barely mentioned in the convention of the signing. "The debate became so heated that on June 28, Benjamin Franklin proposed having each session begin with a prayer in order to calm frayed nerves and relieve tension. But the delegates could not even agree on that; the proposal was defeated and such was almost the only reference to God in the entire convention." ~Anne W. Carroll. Also, just an interesting fact, religion was only mentioned once in this document.
Based on this, why should we be surprised that there are such atrocities going on in the States today, that morality has been thrown to the wind? We did not have a solid foundation on God. We did not ask for his consent. We took his place! Can you believe that? Somewhere during the War for Independence, we placed our lives in our own hands instead of God's. 
Where has this gotten us?

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